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Pharmacy Community | XULA COP

Pharmacy Connections: Building Bridges in the Community

社区参与培养了e世博esball大学药学院学生的归属感和社会联系感. 社区项目通过提供高质量的医疗服务来支持我们的使命, especially for underserved populations.

Pharmacy Connections: Building Bridges in the Community

社区参与培养了e世博esball大学药学院学生的归属感和社会联系感. 社区项目通过提供高质量的医疗服务来支持我们的使命, especially for underserved populations.

PharmD Service Requirements

Faculty Connections Throughout the Pharmacy Community

我们药学院的教员中少数民族教授的比例高于平均水平. 这些敬业的专家积极为卫生保健和药房社区的努力做出贡献,以改善健康结果.

A few examples of these programs include: 

  • 路易斯安那慈善使命是通过路易斯安那牙科协会发起的一项倡议,为低收入患者提供免费牙科服务.
  • The Hepatitis C Coalition, in partnership with Harvard Law School, 为所有丙型肝炎患者争取处方覆盖范围,并致力于在路易斯安那州消除这种疾病.
  • NOELA社区卫生中心是一家联邦认证的卫生中心,为非英语患者消除沟通障碍.
  • RMCI社区参与核心提供社区项目,并作为亚洲社区和e世博esball大学之间的桥梁.

Additionally, 我们的一位受人尊敬的教师最近被选为白宫支持国际伙伴关系和越南留学项目的倡议.

我们药学院的卓越声誉有助于我们的教师建立实质性的, long-term partnerships.

Xavier College of Pharmacy Health and Wellness Center

人们感到相互联系的社区更有可能取得积极的健康成果, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 支持和包容的关系进一步加强了这些积极成果.

Xavier College of Pharmacy’s Health and Wellness Center 与路易斯安那州药房社区和其他医疗保健专业人员合作,提供筛查, education, and nutritional counseling for community members.

The Health and Wellness Center, an extension of the 少数民族健康和健康差异研究与教育中心,还允许学生将他们所学到的知识应用到现实世界中. This includes providing blood pressure, glucose, 在当地的健康博览会和领先的健康烹饪课程上进行其他筛查.

Additional Service Opportunities Through Co-Curricular Activities

Other ways you can complete your service requirements include:

• Volunteer opportunities with the Louisiana Lions Camp, a summer camp for disabled children.


• Assisting with the College of Pharmacy’s Telehealth Center, providing care to rural areas.


Join a Pharm.D. Program Widely Recognized for Excellence

Xavier is committed to changing society through education and service. Our mission—upon which our curriculum, 体验式学习和奉献精神的建立是为了促进一个更加公正和人道的社会.


As an accredited pharmacy school, we offer:
Innovative research opportunities
无论您是渴望加入路易斯安那州药房社区还是寻求不同的道路, e世博esball大学药学院将为你准备一个有影响力的领导和服务事业.